Building InfoMini Applications


InfoMini applications are built from an InfoAssist+ report and contain a subset of InfoAssist+ functionality available at run time.

You can build an InfoMini application and provide the run-time user with the option to interact with and edit the report.

Understanding InfoMini Applications


When you create a report in InfoAssist+, you have the option to activate InfoMini. You can run a report with InfoMini activated, which creates an InfoMini application. An InfoMini application contains a subset of the functionality available in the full version of the report or chart. You can limit or expand the functionality that is available to the user at run time when you build the report in InfoAssist+.

An InfoMini application opens in its own browser window when it is run from within InfoAssist+ to test. An InfoMini application does not open in its own browser window in the portal or in any other application that you build yourself.

An InfoMini application has many of the components an InfoAssist+ report has, with the following exceptions:

  • The main menu is not accessible.
  • The New, Open, and View code buttons on the Quick Access Toolbar are not available.
  • Certain tabs and groups are unavailable or limited.
  • The status bar is not accessible.
  • The navigation taskbar is not accessible.
  • InfoMini does not support referencing existing procedures.

For more information on the available components and their functionality, see InfoAssist+ Application Window.

Using the InfoMini Button


The InfoMini button can be found on the Format tab, in the Destination group. You can click the InfoMini button to activate the InfoMini option. With the InfoMini button active, you can run a report to open the InfoMini application.

To deactivate the InfoMini option, click the InfoMini button again. There must be at least one option selected from the InfoMini button menu for InfoMini to be activated.

You can set the options available to the user at run time from the menu on the InfoMini button. If you select an option from the menu when the InfoMini button is inactive, the InfoMini option is activated. The options are:
  • Format Tab
  • Slicers Tab
  • Run Immediately
  • Run Deferred
When you select an option from the menu, a check mark appears next to the option. The check mark indicates the option is available for the user at run time within the InfoMini application. If you select a checked option to clear it, the check mark disappears, and the option is no longer available through the InfoMini application. If you clear all of the options from the menu, InfoMini is deactivated. All options are selected by default.

The Run Immediately option enables reports to run immediately when InfoMini first launches. You might want to clear this option so that the user can choose a format and pick slicers before running a report.

Understanding the InfoMini Layout

The Resources panel is not available in InfoMini. If no options are selected from the InfoMini button when the application runs, an error message displays, indicating that you must select at least one tab.

From the Format tab, you can access the Output Types group, with the following exceptions:

  • The Destination and Features groups, which are on the Format tab in InfoAssist+, are not available in an InfoMini application.
  • The Other button, which is on the Format tab, in the Chart Types group in InfoAssist+, is not available in an InfoMini application.
  • The InfoMini button, which is on the Format tab, in the Destination group in InfoAssist+, is not available in an InfoMini application.

The Output Types group contains commands to create output in any of the supported formats.

For reports and charts, you also have access to the Auto Linking group. This group contains options for enabling the functions of Auto Linking, a feature that allows you to create a suite of referenceable reports and charts in your enterprise.

For more information on the functionality of the available groups on the Format tab, see Format Tab.

From the Slicers tab, you can access the Options, Record Limit, and Slicer Group groups, with the following exceptions:

  • The New Group option, which is on the Slicers tab, in the Options group in InfoAssist+, is not available in an InfoMini application.

  • The Update Preview option, which is on Slicers tab, in the Options group in InfoAssist+, is not available in an InfoMini application.
  • The Preview list, which is on the Slicers tab, in the Record Limit group in InfoAssist+, is not available in an InfoMini application.

For more information on the functionality of the available groups on the Slicers tab, see Creating Slicers.

Creating an InfoMini Application

How to:

To create an InfoMini application in InfoAssist+, build a report as you normally would, then activate InfoMini and add the functionality you want the user to have available to them at run time. For more information on what functionality is available to InfoMini applications, see Understanding InfoMini Applications.

Procedure: How to Activate InfoMini

  1. With a report or chart open, click the Format tab.
  2. In the Destination group, click InfoMini.

    Note: At least one option from the InfoMini menu must be selected in order to activate InfoMini. By default, the Format tab and Slicers tab are selected on the menu when you activate InfoMini in a new report. For more information on enabling InfoMini options, see How to Enable and Disable InfoMini Application Options.

    The InfoMini button is highlighted and the InfoMini mode is activated. For more information about running an InfoMini application, see How to Test an InfoMini Application.

Procedure: How to Enable and Disable InfoMini Application Options

You can choose which options will be available at run time in an InfoMini application. By default, the Format tab and Slicers tab are selected on the menu when you activate InfoMini in a new report. For more information about the functionality of each option, see Understanding InfoMini Applications.

  1. With a report or chart open, click the Format tab.
  2. Click the arrow next to the InfoMini button. A menu of available tabs and options displays.

    InfoMini does not have to be active for you to access the menu. When you select an option from the menu, InfoMini is activated.

  3. From the menu, select any options you want to display in your InfoMini application.

Procedure: How to Test an InfoMini Application

  1. With an InfoAssist+ report open, activate InfoMini as described in How to Activate InfoMini.
  2. Enable the options that you want, as described in How to Enable and Disable InfoMini Application Options.
  3. Run the report.

    An InfoMini application opens in a new window.

Procedure: How to Interact With an InfoMini Application

With an InfoMini application open, you can edit the application using the functionality that was enabled in InfoAssist+. You have access to certain options, depending on which options were enabled.

You have the ability to alter the InfoMini application at run time. Changes to the application are not reflected on the canvas dynamically and you must run the report to see the updates.

  1. Run a report with InfoMini activated, as described in How to Test an InfoMini Application.

    An InfoMini application opens in a new window.

  2. By default, the ribbon is hidden in an InfoMini application. To display the ribbon, do one of the following:
    • Click one of the tabs (Format or Slicers).
    • Click the down arrow next to the Help icon.

    The available options on these tabs provide the same functionality as they do in InfoAssist+. You can use this embedded functionality to change the report at run time.

  3. After making your changes, click Run to see an updated version of the report.

