Server Profiles


A server or global profile, edasprof.prf, is created during installation. You can customize this profile which is applied to all users. Optionally, you can create separate profiles to customize the server environment for a role, a group of users or an individual user. You can also create service profiles, which specify settings for the server environment. For information, see Profile Settings. Profiles are executed in the following sequence: server, service, role, group, and user.

A profile can include almost any command that a client application can send to the server, however, profiles are used most frequently for application set up commands, such as SETs, search path set up, and DBMS connection information, which may vary by adapter.

Two key aspects of profile customization are level and associated search order. The server processes all profiles found in the search order. If it finds duplicate settings or commands, the last setting or command processed will be active for the connection.

When you create a profile, take into account that the more processing performed by the profile, the more time it takes for an application to connect to the server. An exception is pooled deployment, where only one profile is processed when the server agent initially starts or is refreshed.

Profile Level

How to:

The server supports various levels of profiles to provide flexibility for designing and running production applications. The order in which the following profiles are listed correlates with the search order in which they are processed by the server when multiple profiles exist.

  • Global profile. The first level of profile, the global profile, is a startup file that is automatically created during installation and configuration of the server. It contains default environment settings required for the correct operation of the server.

    The global profile remains in effect throughout a user session. You can modify the global profile default settings. You can also add any commands or code that all connected users require before application processing begins.






    UNIX: $EDACONF/etc directory

    Windows: $EDACONF\etc directory

    IBM i: IFS $EDACONF/etc directory

    OpenVMS: EDACONF [.ETC] directory


    Set the environment variable EDASPROF to point to an alternate location of edasprof.prf (you cannot rename edasprof.prf).

    Sequence in search order



    Applies to all connected users.

  • Service profile. A service profile specifies settings for the server environment, but the settings in this level of profile apply only to users associated with a specific service. When a user connects to the server, the service profile settings are applied and remain in effect throughout the user session.

    A service profile may contain settings that are the same as those in a global profile. You can specify a service profile in the Web Console by selecting Workspace from the menu bar. In the navigation pane, right-click the Workspace folder, and select Settings, and then Profile Settings.

    You can create a service profile from the Workspace folder. Expand the Configuration Files folder in the navigation pane. Right-click Server Profiles and select Edit. You can also use any standard system editor. If you use an editor, create the service profile in the correct location.






    Follows the normal search path for procedures (focexecs).



    Sequence in search order



    Applies to all users of the same service.

  • Role profile. A role profile specifies settings for the server environment, but the settings in this level of profile apply only to users assigned to a specific role. When a user connects to the server, the role profile settings are applied and remain in effect throughout the user session.
  • Group profile. A group profile specifies settings for the server environment, but the settings in this level of profile apply only to users associated with a specific security group. When a user connects to the server, the group profile settings are applied and remain in effect throughout the user session.

    A group profile may contain settings that are the same as those in a global profile.

    Server Administrators need to register group profiles and users to give them privileges that are different from those they inherit from their default role. Group profiles are used to set DBMS connections, variables, and other settings that should be executed for group users when they connect.

    If you use an editor, create the group profile in the correct location.






    UNIX: base_directory_name/ibi/profiles

    Windows: base_directory_name\ibi\profiles

    IBM i: IFS base_directory_name/ibi/profiles directory

    OpenVMS: base_directory_name [.IBI.PROFILES] directory


    Set the edaserve.cfg keyword edaprfu to point to an alternate location of group_name.prf.

    Sequence in search order



    Applies to all users of the same security group.

  • User profile. A user profile specifies settings for the server environment, but the settings in this level of profile apply only to a specific user ID. When a user connects to the server, the user profile settings are applied and remain in effect throughout the user session.

    A user profile may contain settings that are the same as those in a global profile.

Procedure: How to Create a User, Group, or Role Profile

You can create a user profile at any time as by:

  1. From the menu bar, select Workspace.
  2. Expand the Configuration Files folder in the navigation pane.
  3. Right-click the User/Group Profiles folder, and select New Profile.

    The Edit New Profile page opens.

  4. Enter the profile parameters and click the Save As button.

    The Create New User/Group Profile page opens.

  5. Enter a profile name and click Save.

    You can also use any standard system editor. If you use an editor, create the profile in the correct location.




    user_id.prf, group_id.prf, or role_id.prf.


    UNIX: base_directory_name/ibi/profiles

    Windows: base_directory_name\ibi\profiles

    IBM i: IFS base_directory_name/ibi/profiles directory

    OpenVMS: base_directory_name [.IBI.PROFILES] directory


    Set the edaserve.cfg keyword edaprfu to point to an alternate location of user_id.prf.

    Sequence in search order

    Depends on which type of profile and how many other profiles apply to the same user, group, or role.


    Applies to a specific user, group, or role.

