Understanding Warning Messages in InfoAssist


This topic describes InfoAssist warning messages.

InfoAssist Warning Messages





Are you sure you want to switch data source? Doing so will delete your current report.

This warning message displays when a report is first saved in a different format and one or more additional reports are created and saved, and the user clicks Switch on the Data tab and selects a different report from the shortcut menu.

Deletes the current report.

Preserves the current report.

Are you sure you want to add a data source? Doing so will delete your current report.

This warning message displays when a report is first saved in a different format and an additional report is created and saved, and Add on the Data tab is selected.

Deletes the current report.

Preserves the current report.

User Selection in this request is not allowed with your configuration. Your report will be converted to default output.

This warning message displays when the user selection option is not available on restore, or when you are restoring a user selection option when it is disabled at global preference.

Converts the report to use the default output type.

No changes are made to the original procedure and it is closed.

Unsupported Syntax and Objects

This section describes the syntax and objects that are not supported.

  • SUB-TOTAL syntax is not supported. If you try to open an existing procedure in InfoAssist from a legacy tool that contains SUB-TOTAL syntax, an unsupported syntax warning message displays. If you choose to continue, InfoAssist will convert the syntax to SUBTOTAL and add the converted syntax to all higher level sort breaks.
  • SUMMARIZE syntax is not supported. If you try to open an existing procedure in InfoAssist from a legacy tool that contains SUMMARIZE syntax, an unsupported syntax warning message displays. If you choose to continue, InfoAssist will convert the syntax to RECOMPUTE.
  • HTML FULL, FIXED, and PAGED syntax is not supported. If you try to open an existing procedure in InfoAssist from a legacy tool that contains any of these three options, an unsupported syntax warning message displays. If you choose to continue, InfoAssist will convert the procedure to regular HTML output.
  • COLUMN-TOTAL syntax is not supported. If you try to open an existing procedure in InfoAssist from a legacy tool that contains this syntax, an unsupported syntax warning message displays. If you choose to continue, InfoAssist will convert it to use RECOMPUTE syntax.
  • Line objects in a compound document imported from a legacy tool are not supported. If you try to open an existing procedure that includes line objects, an unsupported syntax warning message displays. If you choose to continue, InfoAssist will remove these line objects.

