Creating Synonyms With Amazon Redshift


How to:

Synonyms define unique names, or aliases, for each Amazon Redshift table that is accessible from a server. Synonyms are useful because they hide the location and identity of the underlying data source from client applications. They also provide support for extended metadata features of the server, such as virtual fields and additional security mechanisms.

Using synonyms allows an object to be moved or renamed while enabling client applications to continue functioning without modification. The only modification required is a redefinition of the synonym on the server. The result of creating a synonym is a Master File and Access File based on a given Amazon Redshift table.

Procedure: How to Create a Synonym

  1. From the Web Console sidebar, click Applications or Connect to Data.

    The Applications page opens.

  2. If you started from the Applications page, right-click an application folder, point to New, and click Synonym on the context menu.

    The Connect to Data page opens.

  3. On the Configured list, click the down arrow next to a connection for the configured adapter, or right-click a connection.

    Depending on the type of adapter you chose, one of the following options appears on the context menu.

    • Show DBMS objects. This opens the page for selecting synonym objects and properties.
    • Create metadata objects. This opens the page for selecting synonym objects and properties.
    • Show files. This opens a file picker. After you choose a file of the correct type, the page for selecting synonym objects and properties opens.
    • Show local files. This opens a file picker. After you choose a file of the correct type, the page for selecting synonym objects and properties opens.
  4. Enter values for the parameters required by the adapter as described in the chapter for your adapter.
  5. After entering the parameter values, click the highlighted button on the ribbon.

    The button may be labeled Next, Create Synonym, Create Base Synonyms, Create Cluster Synonym, or Update Base Synonyms.

    The synonym creation process for most adapters has been consolidated so that you can enter all necessary parameters on one page. However, for some adapters such as LDAP, you must click Next buttons until you get to a page that has a Create Synonym button.

The synonym is created and added under the specified application directory.

Note: When creating a synonym, if you choose the Validate check box (where available), the server adjusts special characters and checks for reserved words. For more information, see Validation for Special Characters and Reserved Words.

Data Type Support

SQL Data Type mapping options are available in a report available from the Web Console.

For more information, see How to Access the Data Type Report.

