Preparing the Amazon Redshift ODBC Environment

On Windows, the Amazon Redshift ODBC environment is set up during the installation of the Redshift ODBC driver. No additional setup steps are required.

On Linux, after the Amazon Redshift ODBC driver is installed, make sure that path to the directory where the Redshift driver is installed is included in LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or in IBI_LIBPATH if the server is running with security on).

For example:

export IBI_LIBPATH=/opt/amazon/redshiftodbc/lib/64

Also, set variable AMAZONREDSHIFTODBC that points to the Linux driver manager initialization file with the setting DriverManagerEncoding=UTF-16 in it.

For example:

export AMAZONREDSHIFTODBC=/usr/odbc/ibiodbc/amazon.redshiftodbc.ini

