DT Functions: Converting an Integer to a Date

How to:

There are six DT functions; each one converts a number into a date of a different format.

Syntax: How to Convert an Integer to a Date

function(number, output)



Is one of the following:

DTDMY converts a number to a day-month-year date.

DTDYM converts a number to a day-year-month date.

DTMDY converts a number to a month-day-year date.

DTMYD converts a number to a month-year-day date.

DTYDM converts a number to a year-day-month date.

DTYMD converts a number to a year-month-day date.



Is the number of days since the base date, possibly received from the functions DAxxx.


I8xxx, where xxx corresponds to the function DTxxx in the above list.

Example: Converting an Integer to a Date

DTMDY converts NEWF (which was converted to the number of days by DAYMD) to the corresponding date and stores the result in a column with the format I8MDYY.


For 81/11/02, the result is 11/02/1981.

For 82/05/01, the result is 05/01/1982.

