Controlling the Active Technologies Cache

How to:

Because all post-retrieval processing is performed in the memory of the web browser, an active report has a processing limit of approximately 5,000 records or 100 pages of output. The active cache option enables you to send only the first page of active report output to the browser and retrieve subsequent pages from a temporary cache on the WebFOCUS Reporting Server. The server also becomes the resource for performing all calculations, sorting, and filtering when active cache is enabled. Since active cache uses on-demand paging functionality, WebFOCUS Viewer is not supported.

You can enable active cache and set its mode and format, using the SET commands described in this topic. For details on the ways that you can issue a SET command, see the Developing Reporting Applications manual.

Syntax: How to Enable the Active Technologies Cache for Active Technologies Reports

The syntax is





Runs the active report with active cache enabled.


Does not enable active cache when the active report is run. OFF is the default value.


Specifies the number of rows retrieved from active cache. The default value is 100.

Tip: We recommend that you set the number of rows retrieved five times greater than the number of lines retrieved per page (as indicated in SET LINES). The minimum number of rows retrieved is 100. Setting LINES greater than 200 with the AHTML output format produces a report with no output. If editing the SET LINES syntax for a procedure with AHTML, we recommend that you code SET LINES equal to or less than 200 since the Internet Explorer JavaScript engine is slower than any other browser (such as Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome, and so on).

You can also issue the SET WEBVIEWER and SET CACHELINES commands within a request using:



Syntax: How to Set the Mode of the Active Technologies Cache

The SET ARCACHEMODE command determines which HOLD files are created on the WebFOCUS Reporting Server for use with active cache. For details on HOLD files, see the Creating Reports With WebFOCUS Language manual.

The syntax is




When combined with ARCACHEFMT=BINARY, this setting results in the original behavior of active cache. HOLD files for all requests are created on the WebFOCUS Reporting Server. This is the default value.


Suppresses the creation of HOLD files for Rollup tables and charts.


Suppresses the creation of all HOLD files, including the initial extract. Use this setting when the target database table is pre-built and does not change often.

You can also issue the SET ARCACHEMODE command within a request using:


Syntax: How to Set the Format of the Active Technologies Cache

The SET ARCACHEFMT command determines the format in which data is stored in a HOLD file.

The syntax is

SET ARCACHEFMT = any_valid_database_format



Is an output file format supported by WebFOCUS, for example, BINARY or FOCUS.

  • BINARY format saves report data and stores numeric fields as binary numbers. When created as a HOLD file, BINARY also generates a Master File. BINARY is the default value for HOLD files.
  • FOCUS format creates a proprietary FOCUS data source. Four files result: a HOLD data file, a HOLD Master File, and two work files.

For more information on additional output file formats, see the Creating Reports With WebFOCUS Language manual.

You can also issue the ARCACHEFMT command within a request using:

 ON TABLE SET ARCACHEFMT any_valid_database_format

Reference: Usage Notes for the Active Technologies Cache

The following apply when active cache is enabled:

  • The Restore Original menu option is not supported for an active report that contains data visualization bars.
  • The Export menu option does not export a calculation applied to a tabular active report.
  • Comments for an accordion active report are cleared if you sort output with the Sort Ascending or Sort Descending command.

