Using Auto Drill

How to:

Auto Drill enables you to navigate through different levels within the dimension hierarchy of your data source. This allows you to review underlying data for a particular area, and move through the structure of your data source based on your informational needs.

In order to use Auto Drill, you must enable it by clicking the Auto Drill button on the Format tab, in the Navigation group.

Once you have enabled Auto Drill, you can develop your report or chart and run it to activate the hyperlinks that Auto Drill creates. This enables you to navigate up or down through the related hierarchy of your data source by clicking the links that display.

When you click a hyperlink, the option to drill up or drill down displays, depending on where you are in the hierarchy of your data. You can then select one of these options to begin navigating your data. For example, if you have Product Category in your hierarchy, you would be able to drill down to Product SubCategory. When you drill down, you can subsequently drill back up to the originating dimension sort field. If you have selected a data source that has multiple levels and your report or chart uses a component in the middle of the hierarchy, both the Drill up and Drill down options will display. Once you have started navigating your data using the Drill up and Drill down options, the Restore Original option displays, enabling you to start your data analysis over by re-executing the original Auto Drill request.

At run-time, the Auto Drill functionality displays a breadcrumb header. This defines your current location in the hierarchy of your data source and enables you to navigate back and forth between different levels in your data.


Procedure: How to Use Auto Drill to Navigate the Hierarchy of Your Data Source
  1. Select a data source that has a dimension hierarchy. For example, wf_retail_lite.mas.
  2. Create a report or chart with one or more hierarchical fields (for example, Product,Category).
  3. On the Format tab, in the Navigation group, click Auto Drill.
  4. Click Run.

    The report or chart displays.

  5. For reports, click a hyperlinked field within your report. For charts, hover over a chart aspect (for example, a bar).

    A menu appears.

  6. Select a hierarchical value to which to drill down to.

    Once you have drilled down on a field, you can subsequently drill up.

  7. To return to the default state of the report or chart, click a hyperlink or hover over a chart aspect, and then click Restore Original.

